Sandy | 婷

I've been brainstorming hard for an appropriate topic for my 1st blog entry. It's not that I haven't found anything intriguing to babble on (more like found too many of them). At last, I've decided to start off with one that's close to my heart - family, more precisely, my sister.


O where shall I begin with this 2-year my junior sibling of mine? Hmm...let's start by writing something that I will NEVER, I repeat, NEVER say to her face-to-face.

"You are one of the smartest girl I know and I am very proud to be your sister!"

There are numerous, countless, multitudinous number of times that I wish she never exists or want to eliminate her out of existence. But when that anger dies down, I cannot be more fortunate to have a sister like her. Her strong desire to excel in life is my motivation to keep pushing boundaries and continue venturing my life towards higher, unknown grounds. I never want to fall behind her footsteps, if not ahead. I guess this is what you call "sibling rivalry"?

But this sibling rivalry is probably one of the best things in my life. What's better than a contender whose also an ally? Success tastes that much sweeter when you can share it with whom that both challenge and support you to achieve it. Sometimes it is the oxymoron in life that completes us.

Don't expect me to ever say those few words in person. Why? I need to keep her ego in check...HA! =P





P.S. 小女子初次提筆如錯字百出(像鄧才女)或詞不達意,請多多包含和多多指教!^_^


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