Hope | 夢想


Recently, I have started mentoring two very intelligent and motivated high school seniors (my "Posses"). They have already been accepted to college and earned an almost free ride for their next four years. They sure have a very bright future ahead of them. From the bottom of my heart, I wish them the very very best and hope they grow to become mentors for my kids' generation, just like I to them. =)

Veered off a little, flattering about how great my two Posses are, anyway, the reason I'm writing this is because I realize I find in them, what I think I have almost lost, the motivation and, more importantly, hope for the future.

We talk a lot about their future college life. As I try to recall my college heydays, I begin reminiscing all the little things that made those years so unique. I remember how I used to pull all-nighters a few nights in a row right before exams aiming for that A+. Yes, A PLUS! That's right! I am one of those anal retentive, freakishly ambitious nerd that always score the highest and pulled up the curve. Don't you hate people like me? JKJK! (I sure do loathe them!) The consecutive all-nighters were the result of my extraordinary ability to dupilcate homeworks, amazing talent at daydreaming in lectures and rigorous discipline to keep my books looking brand new; in other words, laziness. heh

Nonetheless, do not underestimate those few nights of motivation. Knowing that you know that you know almost don't know anything can do some serious damage to your psyche. When you are at the bottommost part of the well, the will to climb out of it trumps any barriers, high or wide, sharp or tough, blocking you from doing so. They definitely got me through my two college degrees (and I must confess earned me a few A+'s along the way too). >_^

After graduation, there are times I really wish to feel that rush again. But being in the working world, there really is no avenues for me to feel THAT much pressure to be THAT driven in such a short period of time. Stress from work feels totally different.

Well, I am happy to say that is about to change. With GMAT coming up (o I really don't want to start counting down the days >_<), I am beginning to feel the adrenaline and anxiousness that once overwhelmed my tiny, lazy brain. Moreover, while my posses dwell on their future college days, my daydreams lately have been surrounding business plans, internships, travelling to developing countries etc, activities that I plan to do in my future school days.

ah the feeling of hope! Almost forgotten but never lost, whoever says dreams are for kids? Innocent naiveness is what makes life worth living for.


好奇怪,中國人很少談夢想,我的中史固然爛但就真沒聽過中國偉人講夢想,外國人就聽得多了,Martin Luther King是很好的例子。也許是中國人現實的想法吧,認為勤勞地做好本份是最實際,不要糊思亂想。也許在美國久了,受了他們浮誇的習族感染,總覺得做一下白日夢,久不久糊思亂想一通真的很不錯,很多偉大的發明都是這樣子發展出來的。

中國人最欠缺的是 Creativity(創造力),我們除了抄襲他人的產品最有創造力之外,真正做創作、發明的人真的少之有少,不做夢、不亂想、不放手做些天馬行空的事又怎樣啟動創造力呢!我們是否應該改一改我們保守的想法呢?

下次聽到孩子跟你說他想在月球搭房子,可否不要笑一笑隨便敷衍他說聲"傻瓜",可否靜心地細想究竟在月球怎樣能興建房子呢? 然後和他談論一下,可能為你帶來一些驚喜或啟發吧。

"世事無絕對,只有真情趣。" (已經忘記是那個商品的廣告口號了。=P)


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