Chopin | 蕭邦


Benjamin Zander played Chopin's Prelude in E Minor (listen to it at the bottom of the post) at his TED talk. It made me fell in love with Chopin all over again. For those that can recall, his various compositions were played throughout Roman Polanski's "The Pianist". The lonesome, depressing scenes overlaid with Chopin's melodic backdrop made the movie dishearteningly beautiful! (It, indeed, stole a lot of my tears. T_T)

It makes me wonder how many Asian kid really understands Chopin when they are feverishly practicing his pieces because their parents want them to learn the piano. Moreover, how many piano teachers would take the time explaining Chopin like the way Mr. Zander did? Honestly, if my piano teacher did, I would definitely had appreciated the piano a lot more, thus, would had actually spent time practicing it. >_^

The piano is not simply for playing and practicing. It should be enjoyed, relished and understood. Aren't we disrespecting all the great composers if we are playing their music only because we want to pass the Royal whatever of music? Hmm...I don't really see what so "royal" about that.


非常非常喜歡蕭邦的前奏曲第四號,那股時快時慢的旋律穿梭於憂怨的琴聲中能直達心堪裏,不禁令心房悸悸疼起來。聽過許多古典樂曲,都沒有首能讓我更有感覺 (也許是我的古典音樂知識不夠豐富吧。=P),難怪在云云音樂家中周杰倫視他為偶像。


Prelude in E Minor, Op. 28, No. 4 by Frédéric François Chopin


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