Happiness = Stress?! | 遲來的春天

Happiness = Stress?!

Today, I received one of the best news in a llllooonnngggg time. But what I find surprising was that the amount of satisfaction and happiness that the news brought upon is directly proportional to my stress level. The happier I am, the more stress I'm feeling. Shouldn't they be inversely proportional? ~_~ (Gosh, how more nerdy can I be using "proportionality" to describe life?! =P)

In any case, I really treasure what I have earned today. It is a result of years of sweat, diligence and, sometimes, tears. I just hope good fortune keeps rolling my way because I'll be needing A LOT of it for the next 10 months!


四年的努力終於有成果了,差點以為這個遲來的春天永遠都不會來,想不到它在我最需要它的時候來臨,生命的起伏真的很難預計,但依然不可鬆懈,將要開始學習管理的理念了。 ^_^


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